Friday, October 30, 2009

Weekly progress and something more

As I promised in my previous post I will keep you updated about my weekly progress on the run to Kiev. Currently the progress from last week is 14km closer to Liverpool (134km left). The total distance ran so far is 89,76km which means that soon i'll be in the middle of the road to Liverpool. Unfortunately that week there were only 4 days available for running because of the rain that is still falling today, but i'll manage the situation with home workout.

Something more??? Yes I told you i'll writhe about the "something more" thing :). For a very long time I was thinking of some ideas that I want to implement in my life, but that week that's already in it's end, I had talks with old friends and I was inspired and motivated to put my ideas and thoughts in some direction. I feel my brain as a waterfall dropping idea after idea right now ,connecting the dots that were appearing in the past and forming a vision for further development. Now starting step by step the plans are getting reality. I feel also some change inside me after evaluating the past experiences and I feel enormous energy and motivation.
:) more updates can be expected soon...

Monday, October 26, 2009

The key to life - Running and Reading

12 000
visits on my blog :P

Running from Dublin to Kiev

Yes, it's true it's not a mistake. Finally I have my 1st running log and it's helping me track my workouts. It's giving me the options to set different type of goal and I choose the challenge of running from Dublin, Ireland to Kiev, Ukraine. The total distance is 2777,73km and now I'm running on the way to Liverpool and there are 148 km to reach the 1st city on the road to Kiev. I'll keep you updated about the progress every week. I'm so exited and ready to add some more kilometers to my running log. If someone is interested the software I'm using is Runner's Studio, If you are keen fan of running you can check it out and you'll impressed by it's functionality.

And finally this post I'm sharing one of my favorite running quotations:

"It's never too hot. It's never too cold.You're never too tired. You are never too busy. Put your shoes and GO RUN!"

Saturday, October 17, 2009


This summer I decided I'll do something pleasant for my body and health. I decided to go back to active sport again. I decided to go back to running as the easiest way to practice it. It was easy a pair of shoes and you go on the road, of course it was not easy in the beginning after stopping active sport in the winter of 2007th. Then it became easier I started loosing weight I bought professional gear in order everything to be safe and to prevent injuries. I totally changed my way of eating and living.
Few months later I lost 8kg running became purpose not only for loosing weight but for feeling refreshed, mentally free and now I'm even more motivated than I was in the beginning.I decided to run a marathon next spring. My passion and knowledge that I gained pushed me to create a group in Facebook dedicated to the people in Bulgaria that are running. I had second reason - the youth and the society in Bulgaria has the big problem of not having active life and the problems with overweight. I tried to add some facts about the benefits of running and how to do it properly and safe. For now I have 55 people joined and I'm happy that some of them are not friends of mine but friends of the idea of running :) I hope that the group will be growing and I'll be updating it with more useful info that I'm gaining from a different sources but the main is the be continued in the next post