Saturday, May 26, 2007


Balkan Leadership Development Seminar '07 is something i'll never forget. The Impresions from that event will stay long time in my memory. I found there great Leaders from the corporate world and talented young people. All of them have goals ambitions to become a real leaders. These 4 days i felt like 4 years of experience, it was like new beginig in my life. I learned a lot but i felt like i recieved may be not only one key i recieved whole keyholder and i'm the one who must unlock the dors. I felt that i have to push my onw limits. BaLDS left deep signs im my mind and i felt myself proud that i had the oportunity to be on that place with these nice people. We was 130 delegares from more than 7 countries and we got fun together. BaLDS was unique experience for me.

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